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Friday, September 25, 2009

U.N Chief could still afford to HOPE for Rajapaksa to act

Ever since the Sri Lankan Military took control of the concentration camp, thousands died, thousands of women were raped and burnt to death.
Ever since international organisation has brought the dirty works of Sri Lankan Army in limelight,
now each day silent killings are taking place.

No war crime charges yet on the Sri Lankan Officials BUT
Ban Ki Moon has given Rajapaksa Government TIME till January making sure that all ethnic Tamils in concentration camps to be settled in proper shelters and he can simply HOPE that he will do so.

U.N Chief is HOPING ,
this explains that no strict orders been made if he is only hoping, what we expect from him is not a request but an ORDER.

He has failed to take notice of the single day genocide which the Rajapaksa army killed over 30 000 innocent Tamil lives months back .
He has failed to take notice of the Channel 4 new coverage which showed the entire world what Sri Lankan Government is up to, blindly shooting innocent people in the concentration camp
He has failed to take notice of all the evidences by various organisation including Human Rights which explains the dirty work of Sri Lankan Government

He has given time to Rajapaksa,
Will his given time be used for the good for the Tamils or will the time be used to silently accelerate the killings of the innocent beings .
By January 2010 will the 300 000 be 30 000

What kind of sureity will Rajapaksa give as far as the innocent lives are concern,
Will Ban Ki Moon send special U.N representatives to update him on the issues in Sri Lanka till everyone is settled in proper shelters ?

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