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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Forced Silence imposed over the Genocide issue or out of Lanka

UN ‘war crimes witness’ expelled - report
[TamilNet, Saturday, 12 September 2009, 12:28 GMT]

A senior UN diplomat was expelled from Sri Lanka in July for providing details to the international community of mass killings of civilians during the final battles against the Tamil Tigers, The Guardian newspaper in Britain reported Saturday. Peter Mackay, an Australian citizen, was given two weeks to leave the country for providing detailed rebuttals of Sri Lankan government’s "wartime propaganda." The diplomat is seen as a legal timebomb by the Sri Lankan government as he could personally take the stand and testify that the army shelled non-combatants – action considered to be a war crime under international law, the paper said.

Why is Ban Ki Moon still reluctant to allow Sri Lankan Government to face the war crime charges, what more evidence is U.N expecting or is he expecting a green light from China .

Sri Lanka is never going to allow any media in the so call safe zone where over 300 000 ethnic Tamils are kept as "suspects", which include, Mothers, Children, babies and Elderly.
No International media or Journalists were allowed previously due to the "safety" reasons, as for now having control of over 300 000 innocent lives, no access to outside world , as Sri Lanka never want the truth to be out.

The facts of Genocide is easily understood by anyone visiting the area
What necessity is there for dead bodies to be around after the war ?
Why must there be burnt and naked shot bodies lieing around ?
What is the purpose of the camp still ?
Probably to starve the ethnic Tamils to death, despite food donations
Probably to leave them, suffer to death without any medical attention

Medical Negligence and Starvation will be witnessed and is indeed witnessed by the International representatives, so those who voice out will be asked to leave the country as they are major hinderence to their Tamil Hunting , which is irrational to International law.

When is Ban Ki Moon going to act ?
When there is only a dozen about to survive in the so call safe camp ?

Yes China and India is favouring Sri Lanka"s atrocities
China is favouring Sri Lanka for its own commercial Gain
Indian ruling Congress under the leadership of Sonia is favouring Sri Lanka for its
"own personal agenda"

U.N is suppose to be neutral and not favour "any" ,so what if x,y,z is the next world Power

If Rajapaksa and Team were to escape the war crime charges, MEANS

The issue of Sri Lanka would be used as a model template for any future Genocide activities .
Anyone can kill any minorities
Just banned the media and keep 2 or 3 powerful nations in hand
Any evidences , just ignore and claim that they are false allegations
If the charges were to go to U.N ,one can still escape having the support of few countries to votes in favour to escape the charges .

The above will be taken as the escape route for Genocide charges

exp- out of 25 country representatives which voted,
(14 voted in favour of .... and 11 otherwise, therefore country x need not face any charges, )
vote taking for one to face charges despite the concrete evidences ?

Why not i personally suggest a sms voting

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