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A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Every Government has its duty to answer publics" "WHY"
Till now there are several "Why" that is still circling around the Government of Sri Lanka, they have never given any reasons but only excuses
The International media along with every individuals are concern over the crisis in Sri Lanka"s concentration camp

Why must the military be in control of the camps and why not civilian agencies?
Why visitors are not allowed to visit their love one locked in the camps?
Why are journalists and Media  barred from entering the camp?
Why are international agencies kept out?
Visiting a crimianl facing a death sentence is even possible but not the innocent civilians kept in close in the cponcentartion camp

Why are they still kept in there for?
What is it that Sri Lankan Government afraid of ?
Why are the people not allowed to talk to any outsiders ?

So never will all these happen without a bloody intention

After the so call victory with the LTTE , innocent Tamils are now under the capture of the Sinhalese Arrmy under the instruction of the Sri Lankan Government .
Senior Citizens, Children, Women are some of the irrational suspects kept in close barriers of the concentration camp, which is another excuse from the Sinhalese Government .
An estimated number of 300 000 innocent civilians are kept in control in the camp .

What is the purpose of the concentration camp ?
Is it to bring down the numbers from 300 000 to 3000

Why are the innocent Tamil civilians dieing of starvation and sickness ?
So is the ongoing starvation and medical negligence diliberate ?

This was never the issue when the LTTE waa guarding its people, so is this attitude towards the ethnic Tamils that is taking place now ,what the LTTE feared would happen

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