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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is Rajapaksa trying to fool U.S and the world ?

Rajapaksa has willingly agreed to face the the International Court of Justice if the war crime against the Government is proven, as he mentioned all he was fighting was a war against terror.
Mother Justice will love to welcome his statement, but it will do no good to him, as he will face definite prosecution in the name of Justice, such statements aren"t new to South Asian politicians, who will willingly say such terms to show the world to prove their genuine nature,

Questions to Mahinder Rajapaksa: As you said
"I am willing to face" "I am willing to answer"
Why do you need China and India to back you up for your atrocities ?
Why do you need countries to vote in favour for you to escape from further investigation from taking place previously ?
Why are you putting barriers to International media and Organisations to view the concentration camps ?
Just imagine a Rajapaksa without Sonia Gandhis"s Congress party to back him up or a different Chinese Government who opposes the view of the current Chinese Government
Judgement day is never far away for Rajapaksa and team.

 Rajapaksa Government never just fought with the LTTE but took the opportunity to apply a massive holocaust on the TAMIL ethnics, having in mind to wipe off the natural born inhabitants of the Lankan soil under the massive military aid from China and Sonia Gandhi"s Indian Congress , the Sinhalese race who is currently the majority in population due to over breeding who were historically the later migrants, shelter seekers from Orissa , wanting to make them the BoomiPutra-the primary race of the soil and putting the inhabitants Tamils and the rest in the "others" category.

Justice and International law is at test on this issue, Rajapaksa , Sarath Fonso, Kotabaya, all these 3 who were the directors of the genocide on innocent civilians must be prosecuted.

This will be a lesson for the future leaders with wrong motive or else Sri Lankan Genocide on innocent Tamils will be taken as a model template to apply future Genocide.

Is the International Court of Justice going to let this happen ?

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