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A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rajapaksas" Halo

The Tamils and the Sri Lankans must not be fooled by the drama of Sarath Fonseka turning from a Villain to a Tamil sympathiser,such  scenes are common in Indian Movie, where from a bunch of Villains , one being left out and feeling cheated ,he then turning into a good man, fighting for the people, whom he actually went against, this is a common scene in Indian movie which is not practicle in real life , esp in Sri Lankan Sinhalese Politics.

In a nutshell the Rajapaka team is never ever going to exit from the ideology of Sri Lanka being a Sinhalese Buddhist nation. It is and it will always be, be it Sri Lanka under the ruling of Rajapaksa or Sarath Fonseka.
Though there are many candidates ,the voting mind will be simply narrowed to 2 , this is political psychology .
So the Presidential Election is simply Rajapaksa VS Sarath Fonseka , whoever wins, in a common man view it is good against bad , but in actual political fact, it makes no difference .
Sarath Fonseka is the only person with an equal calibre of Rajapaksa who shares the same Chauvinistic Sinhalese Buddhist Ideology, he could be pointing fingers at Kotabaya or Basil over the war crime issue, those are just meant to fool United Nation and the people of Sri Lanka. He is screened as the "Mr Good Man" to hit 2 stone at a go, one to keep the politcal baton with the advisory of Mahinda Rajapaksa and the other to fool the United Nation and the I.C.J to overturn the war crime charges, whatever Sarath Fonseka confess will be taken as word of truth, infact Mahinda Rajapaksa has made the country"s deciding factors as a Rajakpaksas" family and friends, the Government of Sri Lanka on the other word is "Rajapaksas" Family and friends", Sarath Fonseka is like eyes of Rajapaksa, Sarath Foseka will never betray Rajapaksa , he is the physical factor behind the needed victory for Rajapaksa, Sarath Fonseka deserves everything and anything according to Rajapaksa, Rajapksa is never greedy over being a President, he will be the key advisor if Sarath Fonseka becomes the President , the current friction between them is a well planned political drama "for the election", their indirect message to the people is that, if you don"t like Rajapaksa you vote for Sarath Fonseka, thats the so call choice the people of Sri Lanka are pushed to.
One not wanting a change in the ruling will vote for Rajapaksa, if he/she is certain that he/she do not want the current President to exist any longer, one would choose the strongest opposition, who is coming across all kinds of obstacles .
Sarth Fonseka is placing himself as the survivor who is crossing all obstacle for the people ,he in the end will become the people"s man ,"the man who fights injustice, the man who went against Rajapaksa" .
So a fooled voter will vote for Sarath Fonseka , wheras Chauvanistic Sinhalese citizen will vote for Mahinda Rajapaksa, in a nutshell majority of votes will be circling between the 2  .


Mahinder Rajapaksa is trying to be a farsighted statesman, neither he nor any of his fellow supporters will mind if he were to serve a second term ,suppose Sarath Fonseka picks up the Presidential Baton, Mahinda Rajapaksa is never at lost either as everything will be moving as planned, in future, from Sarath Fonseka it could lead to Kotabaya to Basil then to Nimal etc...... so the people of Sri Lanka, the Tamils and all minorities  must put a stop to Mahinda Rajapaksas" Farsighted Political Vision because if he survives this election as he wanted, he will never fail for the next 15 years.

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