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Monday, January 18, 2010

Indian Congress could be guilty of their joint Genocide motive with Sri Lanka when ethnic Tamils were massacred ,India being in full authority chose not to stop the MASSACRE

"The Government of India temporarily stopped the GOSL’s genocide against the Tamils, thus proving it could do so.... India therefore violated its obligation under article 1 of the Genocide Convention “to prevent” the GOSL genocide against the Tamils," asserts Prof. Boyle.

The Government of India temporarily stopped the GOSL’s genocide against the Tamils, thus proving it could do so. But only for the demented purpose of getting itself re-elected, not for the purpose of terminating the GOSL’s genocide against the Tamils, which India obviously could have done and so did temporarily. India therefore violated its obligation under article 1 of the Genocide Convention “to prevent” the GOSL genocide against the Tamils.


Furthermore, India also thereby became complicit in the GOSL’s genocide against the Tamils in violation of article 3(e) of the Genocide Convention that prohibits and criminalizes “complicity” in genocide. The Government of India failed and refused to terminate the GOSL genocide against the Tamils despite the facts (1) that the GOI obviously had the capability to do so and (2) that the GOI obviously recognized it occupied a position of trust with respect to the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Weeratunge interview (Link to DM)

For these reasons, both the Government and the State of India are legally responsible for the commission of the international crime of Complicity in Genocide in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention. India has an obligation to pay reparations for this international crime to the Tamils on Sri Lanka—both severally and jointly with the GOSL. Indeed, the Government of India and the GOSL conspired together to commit genocide against the Tamils in violation of article 3(b) of the 1948 Genocide Convention prohibiting and criminalizing “conspiracy” to commit genocide.

The same is true for those Highest Level Indian Government Officials who made these reprehensible, condemnable, unprincipled and criminal decisions. They had the mens rea (criminal intent) necessary to constitute the international crimes of Complicity in and Conspiracy to Commit Genocide. These Highest Level Officials of the Indian Government are personally culpable for the commission of the international crimes of Complicity in Genocide and Conspiracy to Commit Genocide. These Highest Level Officials of the GOI must be prosecuted for these crimes—both in India and elsewhere. How low they have sunk from India’s glory days of Gandhi and Nehru. Sic transit gloria mundi!

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