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A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sonia Gandhi"s Indian Congress will go to any extend making sure Mahinder Rajapksa wins the Presidential Election for Sonia and Rahul

Sonia Gandhi"s Indian Congress will do anything to make sure Mahinder Rajapksa wins the Presidential Election, both Hindian based Government and China will do all it could to monetary gains from the South Asian Bloody land ,be it at the costs of any number of innocent lives .

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Will Rajapaksa plan his own attack to gain sympathy vote

Rajapaksa is currently fielding in his own people for the presidential election, so whether or not Rajapksa wins the election, he will still be in the winner with the ruling power still surrounding around the Chauvanistic Sinhalese Buddhist rule without any change in their mission and vision .

Having a potential oppsition facing him , will he plan his own attack to gain sympathy votes ?
Having the support of the Indian Congress and China"s ruling Government, a victory is possible for Rajapaksa

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ethnic Tamils worst suffering under the Rajapaksa"s regime

The after Tiger"s effect,  the worst form of suffering faced by ethnic Tamils in the north of Sri Lanka.

In comparism to the situation Tamils under the protection of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) also known as the Tamil Tigers, the Tamil Land in the north was a place free from crimes wheras the Tamils of north under the current supervision of the Sinhalese Army after the defeat of the LTTE , they were sujected to the worst form of treatment .
This current situation speaks for itself as in why rebels are formed, they were indeed a product of a negative actions , in the form of reaction as rebel groups .